Granville, Ohio


It took us about six hours to drive to Granville, Ohio, home of Denison University and Jud’s longtime friend Dan Homan and his wife Becky and their kids Nate and Maddy. Thankfully we’ve kept up with them over the years as they come to visit Maine from time to time.  So both Isa and Addy had met the family.  The last time we were in Granville though, I was pregnant with Isa, so it had been a while.  On our drive to get there we had plenty of time and a couple time zones to enjoy studying up on random topics which included: astronomy, muscles, Latin, Greek, Ohio history and facts, algebra, subtraction, multiplication and more. We also had time for me to work on sewing projects and all of us to listen to audio recordings of The Boxcar Children mysteries.  Upon arrival we instantly reconnected, had a great dinner and enjoyed stories and s’mores by the fire pit.

hot glass
Hot glass!
I miss the desert
The desert in Ohio
pondering bonzai
Oooh… bonsai
photo fun
Oooh…Dan taking a picture!

Our first full day in Granville we all explored Columbus’s Franklin Park Observatory, an amazing botanical garden with multiple glass houses, a glass blower on premises who was doing a demonstration that we were all riveted by, desert areas, a bonsai garden and more.  A special exhibit was all about origami with small pieces and in-garden installations larger than the kids.  It was a delight for the senses, and for photographer Dan. We took a break mid-exploration to go the Spaghetti Warehouse downtown with it’s eclectic interior of stained glass windows and a trolley car and viewed the green spaces and city improvements along the river. It was beautifully green and well laid out and I’d like to explore more of Columbus someday.

glass house exploration
Addy and Maddy explore at Franklin Park
origami bison
Origami bison
origami horses
Addy and Origami
spaghetti warehouse
Spaghetti Warehouse lunch break

The kids played well together and I wish we had a picture of our evening out watching the Drum Corps International (DCI) practice of the Bluecoats at Denison University.  Having been in marching band in high school and been to DCI competitions, it was a treat to see a corps in practice and hear the chilling beauty of a horn line as it comes together perfectly on a chord. Photography was forbidden, but if you don’t know about DCI, you’re missing out, so research it online and you’re in for a treat.

more chihuley
Chihuley glass at Franklin Park

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