Visiting the Siemsen Family

Addy Thalia walking
Addy and Thalia reconnect!

Our friendship with Enno and Min and their kids Oskar and Thalia is a fun one that we value highly.  From back when we were all in Carrboro, NC to their wedding at the Elvis Chapel in Vegas, to their visits to Vinalhaven here in Maine, we try to get together every couple of years. It’s such fun to see their kids grow and this time we were able to attend Thalia’s 5th birthday party at The Little Gym (a local gymnastics studio), a wonderful idea I wish we could find near us.

legos with friends
There is nothing like a huge bin of Legos!
Pajama princesses Thalia addy
Pajama princesses

The kids played so well together that us grownups even got to carry on a couple of conversations around the edges.  There was an impromptu dress up from the Pajama Princesses, joke telling by Oskar, Lego constructions by all the kids, playground time and a walk along the lake.  Listening to four kids talk non-stop at supper, enjoying great food and talking in the evening about jobs, kids, travel and more made this a blast of a visit.  We so wish these folks lived closer by!!!

lake girls
Visiting the lake
Minneapolis send off
Auf Wiedersehen!

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