International Crane Foundation

kids at icf
It’s bigger than me!

Wisconsin was next on the list and we drove southeast through the touristy town of the Wisconsin Dells, where we could see a few glimpses of the nice rock formations where I’d been canoeing years ago, towards Baraboo. Baraboo is the home of the International Crane Foundation (ICF) where I worked as an Aviculture Intern in 97/98. I loved it there and learned so much and have told Jud and the girls many stories about that time.  I wanted to share the place with them and it was great to see how much ICF has grown and how it’s facility has improved.  Their mission worldwide to preserve crane habitat, educate the public and improve populations is inspiring and the people are wonderful. Check them out at . From there it was a short jaunt to Madison, WI to stay at Enno and Min’s new house that they would be moving into in a couple weeks.  A gorgeous live-in lesson on Frank Lloyd Wright architecture for the girls and a generous way for friends to put us up as we explored the town for a day before moving on.

mokoro ride icf
Wisconsin or Africa? Here Isa and Addy go on a mokoro ride in the Okavango Delta of Botswana.
ICF painting
Another great mural!
ICF broken glass project
Full of great ideas at ICF!

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